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March 27, 2018


Raider Cadet shakes the hand of Principal, Jim Butler

Junior ROTC Cadets, NCO’s (Non-Commissioned Officers), and other invited guests gathered at the Cole Auditorium on the evening of March 26 for the annual Raider Battalion Dining In. 

Earlier this month, the Raider Battalion celebrated 46 years of tradition and rich history as cadets were pinned with the first ever Raider Unit Crest. Each crest features ocean waves, the telescope used for navigating, the arm of community workers, the torch of truth and triumph, and an open book for continued knowledge. During the formal event, Raider cadets could be seen in their Army Service Uniforms (ASU), giving them the chance to show off the newly appointed crest, representing the green and gold like never before. 

In the past, former cadets may have participated in what is known as the military ball. However, the dining-in tradition is slightly different and used throughout history to celebrate great battles and feats of heroes by formal ceremony. Different companies or units gather to socialize, participate in activities such as the receiving line, and share a formal dining experience.

Cadets and instructors upheld these long-standing traditions by appointing the Raider Color Guard to post the colors of our flags, having guests participate in the punch bowl ceremony, and the long-established military toast to the President of the United States, Richmond Senior High, the Raider Battalion, and guests, as well as a tribute to our fallen comrades. Those in attendance also witnessed the Command Sergeant Major Change of Responsibility Ceremony and Battalion Change of Command.

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