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Testing & Accountability

Welcome to RCS Testing & Accountability

Jennifer Taylor, Director of Testing and Accountability

The RCS Office of Testing and Accountability will provide timely and accurate information to facilitate data-informed decisions for improving and individualizing learning and teaching while adhering to the NC Testing Code of Ethics and maintaining the highest level of integrity.

Richmond County Schools Report Cards

2024-2025 Testing Calendar

Testing Information for Parents

Individual Student Reports

Lexiles and Quantiles

State Tests

Parent's Right to Know

State Testing by Grade Level

  4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12

Family Guide to Assessment

Read to Achieve (RTA) Parent Notification (English)

Read to Achieve (RTA) Parent Notification (Spanish)

Test Specifications

Achievement Levels

List of Acronyms


Testing Policy and Operations

Requirement to Report Student Scores:  LEAs shall report scores resulting from the administration State-mandated tests from the Annual Testing Program to students and parents or guardians no later than 30 days after the test is administered and along with available score interpretation information within 30 days from receipt of the scores and interpretive documentation from the NCDP.

English Language Proficiency Test

A test designed to determine a student's English Language proficiency. North Carolina is a member of the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium and utilizes their tests to assess the language proficiency of North Carolina students. The WIDA-Access Placement Test (W-APT) is a screener test utilized to initially identify a newly enrolling student's initial language proficiency. The Assessing Comprehensive and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs) assessment is administered in the spring of every year to monitor language proficiency and growth.

State Testing

"The mission of the [NC DPI] Accountability Services Division is to promote the academic achievement of all North Carolina public school students and to assist stakeholders in understanding and gauging this achievement against state and national standards. The major thrust of this mission is three-fold: the design and development of reliable and valid assessment instruments, the uniform implementation of and access to suitable assessment instruments for all students; and the provision of accurate and statistically appropriate reports." 

The North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests are designed to measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study

(For more information about the source and requirement for these assessments, please follow the End-of-Grade assessment links below.)

North Carolina State Assessments

North Carolina State Assessments are operational tests administered statewide in the North Carolina Testing Programs

All state assessments are required to be administered on-site and online administrations for the 2022-23 school year:

  • All EOCs
  • All EOGs
  • NCEXTEND1 ELA/Reading and Math Grades 3-8
  • NCEXTEND1 Science Grades 5 and 8
  • NCEXTEND1 Biology, English 2, NC Math1
  • All NC Check-Ins 
  • End-Of-Grade (EOG at grades 3,6,5, and 8 and Flexible summative at grades 4 and 7) – Summative tests of English Language Arts/Reading as well as mathematics that are administered to students in grades 3-8 at the end of the school year.  Subject matter to be assessed is content specific to Math and Reading and follows the NC Standard Course of Study at each grade level.
  • End-Of-Grade (EOG) Science – Summative test of Science administered at the end of the school year to students in grades 5 and 8 only.  Subject matter to be assessed follows the NC Standard Course of Study at each grade level.
  • End-Of Course (EOC) – Summative tests administered to students taking the following courses: Math 1, Biology, English II, and Math 3 (Math 3 required by the end of the 11th grade year only for students who completed Math 1 in Grade 8.) Subject matter to be assessed follows the NC Standard Course of Study for each course.

Please see the Richmond County Schools Test Calendar for scheduled assessment dates.  All EOG/EOC testing is scheduled as early in the school day as possible at all participating schools.

Test Results of all End-of-Grade testing are sent as Individual Student Reports to parents within 30 days of the testing window. 

SAMPLE Individual Student Report for EOG testing: sample ISR.pdf

North Carolina Check-Ins and Check-in 2.0 Assessments

NC Check-Ins are interim assessments aligned to North Carolina grade-level content standards in mathematics for grades 3 and 6, Science at Grades 5 and 8, and all EOC courses developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). There are three NC Check-Ins for grades 3 and 6 Math and Reading and Science 5 and 8, and two Checkins per semester for English II, Math 1, and Math 3, and four checkins per semester for Biology. 

The main purpose of NC Check-Ins is to provide students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders with immediate in-depth action-data and a reliable estimate of students’ current performance on the selected sub-set of content standards. A secondary purpose is derived from NC Check-Ins strong relationship with grade-level end-of-year (EOG/EOC) summative assessments. Both EOG/EOCs and NC Check-Ins share a common item bank, and performance on the NC Check-Ins serves as an early indicator of a student’s level of preparedness for the EOG/EOC summative assessment. 

Richmond County Schools is participating in a Statewide IADA pilot.  For the academic year 2022-23, students in grades 4 and 7 math and reading will take the NC Check-ins 2.0 assessments for math and reading and then participate in the end of year IADA flexible summative which will be able to "dial in" more closely to the academic performance/needs of students.  Grades 5 and 8 will take the NC Check-ins 2.0 for math and reading and then participate in the reading, math, and science EOGs at the end of the year.  Follow the links below for more information on the NC Check-in formative assessments, the NC Check-in 2.0 assessments and the North Carolina Personalized Assessment Tool.



Jennifer Taylor

Director of Testing & Accountability
910.582.5860 ext. 1238

Read To Achieve Testing

Alternate Assessments

Alternate Assessments are used to assess students with disabilities who do not participate in the standard administration of a test with or without accommodations. North Carolina Extend 1 is a task-based performance alternate assessment based on extended content standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

The following Alternate Assessments are required online administrations for the 2022-23 school year and beyond:

NCEXTEND1 ELA/Reading, Math Grades 3-8

NCEXTEND1 Science Grades 3-8

NCEXTEND1 Biology, English 2, NC Math1

Alternate ACCESS test for English Language Learners