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English as a Second Language

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Richmond County Schools complies with legal mandates related to Multilingual Learner (ML) students. The Home Language Survey determines if a student is a National Origin Minority Student (NOMS). All NOMS are screened with W-APT or ACCESS Screener to decide whether they are MLs. ML students must have full access to the district’s English Language Development (ELD) program, which provides the assistance needed to become proficient in the English language and supports academic growth toward proficiency.

Richmond County Schools provides an ELD instructional program for its ML students. The program model varies depending on the different grade levels and the students' English proficiency level and needs. We offer Pullout and Push-in services that are content-based. We also provide ELD as an Elective at a high school level.

The purpose of our program is not only to ease the transition into a new culture but also to bridge the students' language acquisition and academic needs to succeed. We also serve as a link of communication between non-English speaking families and the schools.

Please complete the following Interpreter request form if you need assistance communicating with the schools and/or teachers Interpreter Request Form. For more information about our ELD Program, contact: 

Visit us on our GoogleSite page  or our Facebook page @ RCSMLatino              

Erika Mendez Cordova at 910-582-7915 Ext. 2440 email - ELD Department Data Manager

Marco Alcívar Rosales at 910-582-7915 Ext. 2439 - email - ELD - Title III Coordinator 

Marco Alcivar Rosales

English Language Development Coordinator