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K-5 English Language Arts Curriculum

Welcome Families!
We’re excited to welcome you and your student to Benchmark Advance and/or Adelante for the new school year. The program is aligned to your state’s standards, the science of reading research base, and provides engaging learning opportunities for students to grow and thrive.

We’ve put together this webpage to provide you with some key information about the program and help you support your student throughout the year.

About the Program

Benchmark Advance ©2022 is a comprehensive standards-based literacy program. It provides a cohesive framework for the development of literary skills and content knowledge, supporting high achievement for every student. The program received an all-green rating on EdReports, a Best of 2022 Tech and Learning Award, and an Excellence in Equity Award for its texts.

The program builds strong foundations through explicit, systematic, spiraled instruction that is linked to contextualized practice, where learning is set. With a solid foundation, students develop comprehension and critical thinking skills as they encounter grade level complex texts – through read-alouds in Kindergarten and 1st grade and through their write-in consumable magazines in grades 2-5.